mt5 construction: an introduction to the types of pending orders on MT5

时间:2022-09-21 19:06:04 浏览:48

 MT5 is the English abbreviation of MetaTrade 5, which is a diversified financial trading platform that allows trading foreign exchange, stocks, futures and CFDs. It provides excellent tools for comprehensive price analysis, the use of algorithmic trading applications (automatic trading, EA trading ) and copy trades. There are 6 types of pending orders on MT5:  1600763798983645.jpg


  Buy Limit — Buy ​​trade request

Buy when the purchase price is equal to or less than the price specified in the order. The current price is higher than the value specified in the order. Usually this order is in anticipation of the security's price falling to a certain level and then rising again.
Buy Stop Breakout Buy — buy trade request
Buy when the purchase price is equal to or greater than the price specified in the order. The current price is lower than the value specified in the order. Usually this order is in anticipation of the security's price reaching a certain level and then continuing to rise.
Sell ​​Limit Sell Limit — Sell Trade Request
Sell ​​when the offer price is equal to or greater than the price specified in the order. The current price is lower than the value specified in the order. Usually this order is in anticipation of the security's price rising to a certain level and then falling back.
Sell ​​Stop Breakout Sell — Sell trade request
Sell ​​when the offer price is equal to or less than the price specified in the order. The current price is higher than the value specified in the order. Usually this order is in anticipation that the price of a security will reach a certain level and will continue to fall.
Buy Stop Limit Breaking the Buy Stop Limit — Buy ​​Trade Request
This type combines the first two types and uses a breakout order to place a buy limit order. When the future purchase price reaches the breakout level (Price field) indicated by the order, a buy limit order will be placed at the price specified in the order breakout limit field. Set the breakout price to be higher than the current buy price, and set the limit sell price to be lower than the breakout price.
Sell ​​Stop Limit breakout and sell limit — sell trade request
This kind of order is to use a breakout order to place a sell limit order. When the future offer price reaches the breakout level (Price field) indicated by the order, a Sell Stop order will be placed at the price specified in the Order Breakout Sell field. Set the breakout price to be lower than the current supply price, and set the breakout stop price to be higher than the breakout price.
The above is the introduction of the mt5 construction editor about the types of pending orders on MT5. For more mt4 construction, mt4 construction price, mt5 construction, platform construction, mt4 sales and other related questions, please contact our company.
